
Friday, January 27, 2017

The Best Way to Make Your Eyelashes Grow Longer Naturally

Every woman wants a set of longer, fuller eyelashes to look beautiful. When you see pictures of celebs and models, they also seem to have perfect lashes. Yet, it is a major struggle to achieve the same look at home. So, how do you get gorgeous lashes? You have multiple options, including the usual choices – eyelash extensions and fake eyelashes. But, what if you want to learn how to grow eyelashes naturally?grow eyelashes naturally

Using an eyelash serum or eyelash growth formula, you may be able to get the same results without applying extensions or false lashes. Find out how to grow eyelashes naturally.

Why not Eyelash Extensions and Fake Eyelashes?

Before learning how to make your eyelashes grow longer naturally, first you should know about the drawbacks of using eyelash extensions and fake eyelashes. While both options can give you immediate results, they do not last.

Eyelash extensions are typically made from mink, silk, or synthetic hair. They need to be applied, one at a time, to each eyelash. This is a time-consuming process handled by salon professionals. You can expect it to take about two hours to get eyelash extensions and the results are not permanent. Eyelash extensions last about 3 to 4 weeks.

Fake eyelashes are intended to be worn for a day or two. They often have a strip of glue that is applied directly to your natural lash line. They are affordable, but do not quite have the same look as natural full lashes. If you really want luxurious lashes, you are going to want to learn how to grow eyelashes naturally.

How to Grow Eyelashes Naturally with DIY Remedies

Beyond the use of fake eyelashes, you have two options for learning how to make your eyelashes grow longer naturally. You can use various home remedies or purchase an eyelash serum or condition.

Not all of these home remedies are effective, but some of them can help you figure out how to grow eyelashes naturally. Home remedies include the application of natural solutions to promote the growth of thicker lashes.

Here are 3 commonly used home remedies for growing eyelashes naturally:

  • Olive oil applied with a cotton swab

  • Aloe Vera applied with a mascara wand

  • Vitamin E applied with an eyelash brush

Olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E and oleic acid. Both of these ingredients can hydrate your eyelash and help add volume. The olive oil is applied with a cotton swab just before you go to bed. You leave it on overnight and then wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning.

Aloe Vera is well-known of its natural healing effects. This help promote the growth of longer, fuller lashes, as it contains various vitamins and rich minerals. You can use a similar application method as the Olive Oil solution. Alternatively, you can also use a clean mascara wand, apply some Aloe Vera gel to your lashes before you go to bed. Leave the Aloe Vera on overnight and then rinse in the morning.

For Vitamin E, it can simply be applied using an eyelash brush. You do not need to worry about washing the vitamin E off. Just apply twice per day as a routine.

These are just a few examples of DIY remedies to make your eyelashes grow longer naturally at home. Along with the ingredients mentioned, there are dozens of common ingredients that may help promote fuller eyelashes, including mixtures that contain green tea, eggs, or even lemon peels. Always learn more about these home remedies before you attempt to use them.

You need to keep in mind that you may not get the results you want. The problem with learning how to grow eyelashes naturally with home remedies is that it is hard to judge their effectiveness without actually trying them. Some people swear by the remedies described, while others have no success achieving fuller lashes.

Growing Naturally Beautiful Eyelashes with Eyelash Serum

After trying the home remedies, if you are still struggling to determine how to grow longer eyelashes, you could consider purchasing an eyelash serum. Eyelash serums and conditioners are similar to home remedies in the sense that they can help promote the growth of healthier lashes. The main difference is that these commercially developed products are scientifically formulated to get results.

There are numerous products available that claim to help you grow fuller, thicker eyelashes. Before using any of these products, you should do some research. Learn more about the product and look for detailed reviews. Find out what past customers had to say and do not rely solely on the information that you get from the product website.

If you want to know how to grow eyelashes naturally, you should look for products that contain only natural ingredients. Some of the most popular ingredients that are known to help promote fuller hair include honey, alfalfa, and chamomile extracts. The ingredients of the product should also contain beneficial vitamins and minerals. These nutrients can restore the health of your hair and follicles, allowing you to grow and maintain thicker, longer lashes.

The only drawback to using an eyelash growth formula is that you need to wait for it to take effect. You may have to wait several weeks before you notice fuller lashes. With home remedies and commercial products, the idea is to help you grow healthier eyelashes. This is the same concept that goes into standard hair treatment solutions. You are supplying your body with beneficial nutrients in order to protect your hair from damage. These nutrients are also helping to keep your follicles healthy, which allows you to grow thicker hair. The only difference between these solutions and other hair treatments is that you are focusing on the health of your eyelashes.

How to Get Longer Eyelashes Fast and Effective?

It is possible to learn how to get longer eyelashes naturally, but you will not get results overnight. Before you make your final decision, here is an overview of your main options for fuller eyelashes:

  1. Fake eyelashes

  2. Eyelash extensions

  3. Eyelash home remedies

  4. Eyelash serums and formulas

Fake eyelashes and eyelash extensions are obviously just temporary solutions. You need to apply them regularly. Besides, most people would prefer being to show off naturally long lashes.

After trying out most of the available options, the real solution for fast and effective longer eyelashes is to use a “tested and proven” eyelash serum. Although you can grow eyelashes naturally with home remedy option, but a commercially developed product is more likely to work faster and much more effective.

At the end of the day, the decision is yours. But, if you’ve tried everything and nothing else works – try this. Its definitely working well on me!

Facial Care

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