
Monday, February 27, 2017

7 Fruit Trees That You Can Grow In Your Living Room

If you like plants and you love to have almost everything in the interior of your house, read on because the following ideas are for you that you have been fantasizing the idea of stretching your hand and plucking some delicious fruit from the sofa your living room.Fruit tree for living room

7 fruit trees that you can grow in your living room

Well, there are decorative indoor plants, and then there are the edible plants that you tend to put in a small garden. But what if we stand in the middle of these two?

If you are looking for an indoor plant that is both decorative and edible in your living room, just turn to the world of fruit trees! While many of these grow in nature to become huge and leafy and are native to perpetually sunny conditions, there are a number of dwarf plants that will not give you any trouble (and you will even receive their fruit) and that you can put in a pot Big in your living room.

The right care and conditions (and a reliable nursery to provide them) are very important if you want an inner fruit tree that thrives. Here is a list of fruit trees that you can grow indoors.

1. Figs

figs treeIf you want a fig tree that leaves fruit, the last option you should consider is the popular Tree lira or fig tree violin leaves. Instead choose a small variety of fig, the Brown Turkey (also known as Black Long or Ubique Noire), which tolerates heavy pruning, self-pollinates, and can thrive in the interior. This tree shoots very long leaves.

Planting and care. The size of the pot that you choose will affect how big and productive your tree is (choose a larger pot for more fruit, and a smaller one if you need the fig tree to be small). The plant should be watered at least once a week, until the water comes out of the drainage holes, and is pruned when it reaches the size you want.

Habitat. While non-edible figs suit them indirect sunlight, edible varieties should be placed under bright light; Aligning them with a north orientation would be ideal. They do not like the cold at all, so they should stay away from drafty doors and windows. The tree of avocado is a plant that adorns very beautiful a living room.

2 and 3. Lemons and Limes

lemons and limesIf you plan to grow lemons and limes in the interior, opt for a dwarf variety that self-pollinates like the Meyer Lemon (which does not require too much heat to ripen the fruit) or the Kaffir Lime; These produce the crop more quickly and the plant stays in a manageable size.

Planting and care. The best soil for the cultivation of healthy citrus trees is the slightly acid and marl based (ie, 2: 2: 1 from sand to silt to clay). They also like a lot of moisture in the air, 50% humidity would be ideal. But you can simulate a damp environment by simply spraying them regularly with water from a spray bottle. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering.

Habitat. There are no surprises here: citrus plants need a lot of sunlight, from 8 to 12 hours each day. Place the tree in the sunniest place you have, and even better if it is a room with double exposure (in the south and east, for example). And if you have any outdoor space, they would appreciate a few months in the fresh air if you are having a warm summer.

4. Olive Trees

olive treeSelf-pollinating and prolific olives (a single tree can produce up to 9 kilos of fruit per year) do not require much attention compared to other fruit trees. When you go to buy an indoor olive tree, keep in mind that many varieties are only ornamental, which means that they will not bear fruit, but there are several varieties of interior that will do: Consider buying an Arbequina, which is slow growing and will leak Water through the leaves (called “crying”), or a Picholine, which is more vertical.

Planting and care. Indoor olive trees only need to be watered when the upper inch of soil has dried, and require less watering in autumn and winter than when taking a natural break.

Habitat. An olive tree needs at least 6 hours of sun daily. It is advisable to place them near a sunny window facing south (but not too close or the leaves will curl).

5. Avocados

indoor avocadoBeing clear, it is very difficult to get an indoor tree to give good avocados, however, it is not impossible. Instead of growing one from a seed, look for a grafting plant that contains some tissue from a tree that produces fruits with good taste. Of course, small trees like WurtzGwen, and Whitsell are the best choice, and they do not have to be cross-pollinated to give fruit.

Planting and care. Add some sand to the bottom of a pot and fill it with regular potting mix, and water the plant regularly without letting the soil soak. The ripe fruit can be left hanging on the tree for a few weeks.

Habitat. Warm season plants like avocado like to have lots of bright light. Orient it with a window to the south, this is your best chance to find a happy place.

6. Bananas

bananaSome banana trees produce edible fruits, while others produce fruits that you can not eat, again, what you will need to get is a dwarf plant, such as the Cavan’s Super Dwarf and the Red Dwarf, as they do not grow too much. They are self-fertile, meaning they do not require a pollinator.

Planting and care. The soil your banana tree needs should be light and peaty; Add monthly allowance to maintain strong growth. They like to receive a lot of water because of their huge leaves, but you have to make sure to let the soil dry completely between irrigations. You can spray the leaves to simulate a humid climate.

Habitat. A lot of indirect light from the bright sun is best for this plant, so it should be positioned near a south-facing exposure, if possible. Rotate the plant periodically so that all parts get light.

7. Blackberries

Blackberry tree potsAgain, you’ll have to opt for a dwarf mulberry like Everbearing Dwarf if you want to grow it indoors. The fruit of a blackberry tree, which can be seen somewhat like a blackberry, but smaller, should be harvested as soon as it is ripe.

Planting and care. With regular potting soil will suffice, just like regular irrigation. Moreras are slow growing and need large pots. A small blackberry tree in your living room will look beautiful.

Habitat. A bright warm and sunny space is the best for your mulberry tree; Move it to a place with full exposure from spring to fall, if possible.

Living Room

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