
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Home Remedies for Whitening Dark Underarms

The accumulation of dead cells can be one of the reasons why our Underarms look darker. To solve it we can exfoliate them with a pumice stone.Home Remedies for Whitening Dark Underarms

There is nothing more unsightly than the dark Underarms with spots. To such an extent that we avoid wearing sleeveless clothing or raising our arms. The Underarms can get dark for different reasons and the good news is that there are several home remedies to reverse this situation.

Dark Underarms: What to Know

The underarms may be stained for a variety of reasons, from inadequate cleaning to excessive sweating, to accumulation of dead cells, to friction with clothing, tight or lint-free garments, waxing or other products, deodorants containing alcohol or a dermal predisposition. It can also be due to excessive sun, hormonal problems or lack of hydration and dryness. The truth is that it is very embarrassing to “walk for life” with stained underarms, especially at a party or social event.

Some tips to keep your underarms from getting stained:Home Remedies for Whitening Dark Underarms

  • Do not use a razor to shave: when you do not have much time available resorted to this option while we bathe, for example. However, unlike other methods, it will make the underarms become darker and darker. Some women, meanwhile, use wax produces this effect them, especially those with white skin.

  • Avoid using a large amount of deodorant or antiperspirant: one of the “tasks” of these products is to prevent the skin to breathe properly, as well as sweating or perspiration occurs. The pores are covered and impurities become dark spots. Surely you have noticed that every time you have more smell in your Underarms and you just “cover” by putting more deodorant, the reason is why you just explained. So, try to use as little as possible and prefer to sanitize yourself with water and neutral soap or with perfume.

  • Lava underarms regularly: preferably every day or more than once when it ‘s hot or you are exercising.

  • Use cotton clothes: especially during the summer to prevent excessive sweating and prevent underarm stains (as well as much perspiration)

  • Avoid depilatory creams: its regular use helps to obscure the underarms.

  • The area is not irritated: when you also dark in the underarms, skin flaking, itching, or more odor than usual, it may be due to a bacterial infection or allergy. Consult a dermatologist.

Home Remedies to Lighten Dark Underarms NaturallyHome Remedies for Whitening Dark Underarms

  • Yogurt: The yogurt is one of the best natural remedies to remove stains under the arms. Apply before bathing a tablespoon in each and leave it to act for 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water. Repeat this process daily for at least a week.

  • Pumice: while you’re taking a bath, take a few minutes to the health and beauty of your Underarms. Rub them gently with a pumice stone for two minutes, once a week. This will help remove dead skin and underarms always look pretty.

  • Lemon: has the same properties as pumice stone, and also lighten spots. It offers a fresh look to the Underarms. Rub half a lemon in each every day until dark to go, always before bathing. It goes through circular movements, let it act for about 15 minutes. The citric acid that has the lemon will make “mata bacterias” and will also whiten the skin naturally.

  • Scrubs: whatever you have at home for the face, for example, also serves underarm. This helps eliminate dead cells and therefore leave the skin whiter. You can make a home with sugar and honey or oil and coarse salt. There are many ingredients in your kitchen that you can use without problems. Just rub it to remove the dirt and remove it with water.Home Remedies for Whitening Dark Underarms

  • Sandalwood: get sandalwood powder and mixed with rosewater. Apply in your Underarms with circular movements for two minutes, rinse and dry well.

  • Cucumber: extracts the juice of a cucumber and mix with a tablespoon of turmeric powder (you can buy in health food stores). You can also add the juice of half a lemon to increase its properties. Apply the mixture and let it act for about 30 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of warm water.

  • Orange: use powder dry orange peel and a tablespoon of plain yogurt. Apply in the Underarms and leave about 20 minutes. Then remove with plenty of cold or warm water.

  • Juice of potato:peel a potato and gets its juice in a blender. It is a whitening product par excellence, you must apply with a cotton, let it dry a few minutes and then remove. You can also cut two slices and rub directly on the Underarm once a week.

  • Baking soda: in a bowl mix a little baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply every night and if you can, leave it all night by acting. The next morning, remove with plenty of water.

  • Oats: an excellent exfoliant that can be used throughout the body. Mix some oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Place under Underarms for an hour and rinse. Repeat twice a week.

  • Apple cider vinegar: is one of the ingredients in many recipes to care for and heal the skin. Due to its acid content, it does not allow bacteria to proliferate, remove bad odor and bleach. Imbibes some cotton in vinegar and clean underarms with him once a week.

How to clear stained underarms in minutes with home remedies?Home Remedies for Whitening Dark Underarms

Surely you end up not believe that there are more tips to clarify the underarms stained in minutes, but never mind that as you start to implement them you’ll find with surprise that effectively if they give good results, and do not forget to take into account my recommendations (Which are the last part of this publication) that will certainly help you keep your underarms cute and ready to show off on any occasion.

Now, what if I recommend is that you have this why underarms darken, it is good to know what causes darkening, to thereby begin to prevent that little big problem fastidious that afflicts us most women. But, how about we start with our list of home remedies that will help us fight those dark spots in the Underarms…

  1. How to clear the underarms with lemon?

Home Remedies for Whitening Dark UnderarmsIt is to apply every morning before taking a shower, rubbing half a lemon in each underarm as you can trying to get the juice left in your skin and leave for 15 minutes, so stand forewarned that you are not running late For the treatment to clear the underarms.

And do not forget that within the properties of Limon, we must, it helps eradicate bacteria and lightens the skin naturally; So do not hesitate to practice this tip to clear the underarms. Be careful of sun exposure for treatment to achieve its objective.

  1. How to bleach the underarms with yogurt?

Home Remedies for Whitening Dark UnderarmsAs soon as you get up places a relatively thick layer of natural yogurt and leave on for 15 or 20 minutes if your schedule permits.

Then bathe as you usually do; avoid using deodorants containing large amounts of alcohol, because otherwise there is no point you’re trying to clarify the underarms.

Keep in mind that the natural yogurt has good properties with respect to clarifying and moisturize the skin, so this tip to clarify Underarm stains will not fail you, only dedicate your little time and see if it works.

  1. Treatment of bleaching the Underarms with potato or potato juice

Home Remedies for Whitening Dark UnderarmsEven if you do not believe it is true that the potato can clear the underarms, it is only a matter of dedication, take a potato or small potato and take all the juice from it with the extractor, take a piece of cotton soaked in the extract and place it in the underarms ready! If you want you can leave it dry juice or else you can remove with warm water.

  1. How to Lighten Underarms with Baking Soda?

First of all, you have to wash the Underarm with soap and water, dry well and start the function to lighten the Underarms.

Home Remedies for Whitening Dark UnderarmsTake a spoon of this powder baking soda and mixed with water or lemon juice (a measure that allows you to make a paste), moves into a paste and apply with a spoon or your fingers in your Underarm, left to act all Night or a whole morning if you go to a party at night.

Now, this tip not all find it quick rinse, but if I tell you now urges a very good tip. You can remove it with the shower without problems.

Do not forget that if you are going to be exposed to the sun, try to take care of your Underarm because the sun will darken it more, so you have to walk in the shade.

  1. Can the Underarms be bleached with Magnesium Carbonate in minutes?

Well as you know once you have clean Underarms, free of all odor products and creams that are usually placed, you can start with the treatment to lighten the Underarms.

Home Remedies for Whitening Dark UnderarmsTake a tablespoon of magnesium carbonate and a stream of peroxide 30, mixtures as much as possible to form a smooth paste, once you apply with the spatula you moved on the Underarm and let act only 2 to 3 minutes, note you should not spend that time, because the color change will be dramatic and will look very odd and even ugly. Remove it with a cloth soaked in water and avoid applying another product.

Recommendations for having a healthy and beautiful underarm

  • You should give yourself the space to take care of your Underarms, exfoliate and bleach periodically.

  • Wear loose, 100% cotton clothing so your underarms can breathe very well.

  • Use any epilating wax that is special for sensitive areas, such as the Underarms.

  • Use eco-friendly home deodorants that work well for Underarm skin.

Natural Treatments for Spotted Underarms

Home Remedies for Whitening Dark UnderarmsIf your problem is the dark spots on your Underarms, you can apply some of these homemade recipes seeking the most effective for you.

In general, the results are appreciated after about three weeks of application. When you shave, then apply a moisturizer and wait at least 24 hours to use any of these treatments.

Homemade recipes to remove stains in the Underarms

  • Hydrogen Peroxide (hydrogen peroxide)

    Apply all 10 volumes of hydrogen peroxide on the stain and clean skin for 20 days nights. In the morning, clean with boric acid and do not use any deodorant during treatment.

  • Lemon and Powder

    A spoonful of powder is mixed to bleach hair with the juice of half a lemon to make a paste. Apply under Underarms and leave 5 minutes or until dry. Finally, rinse (rinse) with warm water. Repeat every 3 days. As the powder can cause irritation, try a smaller dose.

  • Lemon to remove stains in the Underarms

    Daily, put lemon juice with a cotton swab (or the same lemon) in darkened areas. Do not expose yourself to the sun immediately because it may stain more.

  • Yogurt and oatmeal

    Mix a tablespoon of yogurt and oatmeal. Apply on affected areas and rub lightly. After about 5 minutes, wipe with water and cream.

  • Exfoliation

    Exfoliate underarm area is simple and effective. It is advisable to do it during the daily bath with the aid of a natural sponge and neutral soap.

    An exfoliating cream may also be used after bathing.

  • Enriched moisturizing creams

    If the problem is pigmentation, creams with retinol strong active ingredients such as vitamin C or hydroquinone are a good choice.

  • Glycerin, lemon and oil stained underarm

    Mix a few drops of glycerin, a few drops of lemon juice and a few drops of almond oil or olive oil in equal proportions. Apply every day before bath. If leftover, you can store it in the refrigerator for the next day.

  • Cream stains with cucumber

    Create a mixture of 1 teaspoon of cucumber pulp or cucumber juice (can be done in a blender or food processor). Add 2 drops of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric (also curry or saffron or turmeric powder).

    Apply the mixture for 10 to 20 minutes, once every three days.

    If turmeric leaves a yellow spot, use milk to remove it or unflavored yogurt.

  • Lemon and baking soda

    Lemon juice applied directly to the Underarms is a good home remedy. It is allowed to act overnight for 15 days, and can be alternated with bicarbonate.

  • Other alternatives

    Also helps to remove underarm stains using creams or oils rich in vitamin E or a paste of rosewater and sandalwood powder.

Some tips to avoid underarm spots

  • If you expose the Underarms to the sun, use sunscreen.

  • Keep these parts of your body hydrated, apply a body cream every day and exfoliate regularly.

  • Make sure you are getting enough water and multi-vitamins daily (mainly E and K).

  • Choose preferably deodorants that have no fragrance or alcohol.

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